Don’t Stop Voting

Every election cycle, the right-wing rehashes a new version of a very old debate: should we keep voting Republican or consciously abstain from voting altogether? In the wake of the 2020 election, with Trump apparently losing through what seems to be obvious ballot fraud, and with the feckless Republicans unwilling to help him challenge the…

Russiagate Groomed Us for the Riots

Russiagate is technically over, but we are still living with its consequences. I don’t mean this only on the superficial level: yes, the Michael Flynn case may still take a few new turn and, sure, Trump may tweet about “Obamagate” for a few months more. I mean it instead on a deeper, psychological level. Russiagate…

Tactical Libertarianism and the Porn Question

Measured by organic support, libertarian philosophy appeals to almost no one. It nevertheless exerts an outsized influence in politics because it is a useful weapon for a hypocritical ruling class, that wields it selectively and in bad faith. Whenever someone questions the tech companies’ right to censor right-wing opinions, for instance, liberals suddenly turn into…

Why Aren’t the Commissars Satisfied?

If the 2010s were defined by the “soft” censorship of tech-company deplatforming, the 2020s are more likely to see a return to the more primal, hard censorship of state repression: a censorship more akin to the twentieth-century totalitarian regimes than anything we are accustomed to seeing in twenty-first century America. This is a somewhat strange…