A Practical, Aesthetic Defense of Monarchy and Aristocracy

Submitted by C.A. Shoultz I have debated for some time whether an essay of this nature is necessary in the year 2020. After all, I am far from the first writer to propose a return to hierarchical systems of government, over and against mass democracy and rule by the commons. It’s been done more than…

Hysteriagiving & Friday Reads

Hope all had a great Thanksgiving. You likely had a subdued Thanksgiving. It was not your fault. It was everyone around you freaking out about the coof. The media narratives do not work on everyone, but they do work on enough people to ruin family holidays. Some people complain about the libs who create arguments…

Audacity of Hope: A Review

Submitted by the County Bureaucrat For a class project, I read “Audacity of Hope” by BO recently. Despite having campaigned for Obama in 2008, I always had a suspicion of the kind of mental peasants (to put this in the ugliest terms imaginable, true goyim) who read and believe Presidential campaign books. During my time…

Trump’s Big Win and the Will of the People

You should be of high spirits. Donald J. Trump, who is the only major American political figure alive interested in conserving anything, won the election. Donald J. Trump, the one figure we knew might be able to spark counter-revolutionary awareness, has sparked that change. Trump won in procedural terms—but don’t spend your time obsessing with…

A Coherent Story, Legitimacy + Friday Reads

“Where’s the fraud? He should concede, the margins are bigger than when he won in ’16.” This line is one seen on the Internet or heard from liberal peers with regards to election ’20. in a nutshell, it captures the incoherence of the left’s line right now. Yes, it is factually true that Biden’s margins…

The Catch-22 Election

Submitted by Imperium Press There have been many predictions since long before Nov. 3rd, 2020, and time has repudiated them all, and will continue to do so. This was to be the final rebuke of Trumpism. Eighteen hours into the election, bookies were adjusting their odds and a conspicuous stain could be seen growing on…

An Obituary

In his book Orthodoxy, while describing his reasons for accepting Christianity and the Church, Chesterton writes that he does so “…because the thing has not merely told this truth or that truth, but has revealed itself as a truth-telling thing.” He means that the Church has not incidentally pronounced certain truths but rather that it…

Hyperstitonal Blowback and Scheherazade’s Memeweave

By @LemurianTime The term Blowback being coined by the CIA would make it seem as if it were invoked from some clandestine lexicon that only an initiated core of institutional elites could truly manage — like something deep into the Vatican library, where monks tirelessly scribed accounts of forgotten gods and the true annals of…

Moods & Friday Reads

So who won the election? the media tells me that Joe Biden is the president-elect. The president tells us that he won and will expose fraud proving that he won. Nothing is certified. Looking out at America, who do you think won? The left performed what looked like ewok yubnub celebrations at vanquishing the emperor….