A Move to Substack

A site announcement for readers. The Sun is moving to substack. You will be able to find the Sun at TheAmericanSun.substack.com. Censorship concerns will be lighter at Substack. This will make a variety of things easier, except for link posting on Twitter. See you there!

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Chaos Enjoyers – Things breaking all over. Losers Israel’s PR Machine – Something is different this time for Israel. Is it the demographics of the audience or the social media environment? Palestinians – Egypt & Jordan said no to taking them in. The fighting kicks off in earnest soon in Gaza. SBF – Witnesses…

Why Polemics: A Review of Andrew Isker’s “The Boniface Option”

It’s clear from the opening sentence, or even the cover art, where we’re going with this. “Trashworld: You live in a dystopia.” Things can indeed get worse, but they are already very bad, and the extent to which they have not hit terminal velocity is mostly due to the hangover of institutions and demography that…

It’s Okay To Sit One Out

Submitted by a peaceful anon Hamas raided Israeli land. Demonstrators rallied to support the Palestinian cause. Friends of Israel lit up with a fury not seen in ages. The Internet filled with calls of ethnic cleansing, genocide and even “glassing”. It did not matter which side, the messaging was heated from day one. As white…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Military Industrial Complex – No worries about Ukraine funding winding down. Israel’s conflict will take its place… plus we have to spend for >checks article< the possible two wars against Russia and China. Losers Palestinians & Israelis – The raid last weekend will kick off a conflict that will get very bloody and likely…

Watch Hezbollah

Palestinians kicked off a new conflict as tension continues to rise around the periphery of the American empire. Israel will respond. The initial raid was too destructive not to respond in a firm manner. Set aside rhetoric from grandstanding American political figures, this is a brazen attack that not only was effective but punctures the…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Black criminals – Even if you gut a man in front of his marxist girlfriend, she will not provide the cops a description. British dental patients – Anything goes. Losers Urban, woke activists – Multiple dead pro-criminal activists and/or donors. DeSantis Shills – He keeps sliding in polls. If he takes the Walker route…

Buy Hanania’s Book

I was not going to buy Richard’s book when it was first announced. His behavior on Twitter was a little offputting. He has a blend of saying things that are edgy, and possibly taboo within the normal pundit world, and being a contrarian who feels a need to dump on his nominal allies on the…

Return to Office Heats Up

Announcements are rolling in and it is tense for white collar world. Firms are in a battle to get employees back into the office. Articles about the issue or individual company’s efforts are a near daily occurrence now. Previously, I tackled the big commercial real estate interests concerned about this. A new problem has shifted…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Repo Men – Student loan repayments restart and credit cards are tapped. Going to be busy for repo men. Used Car Buyers – If cars get repossessed, there will finally be inventory. You will finally have choices and leverage. Gavin Newsom – DeSantis is going to debate him allowing him some national exposure. Weird…