Buy Hanania’s Book

I was not going to buy Richard’s book when it was first announced. His behavior on Twitter was a little offputting. He has a blend of saying things that are edgy, and possibly taboo within the normal pundit world, and being a contrarian who feels a need to dump on his nominal allies on the…

Covid, Atomization and Funerals

The air hung heavy with a somber sadness as I stood before the small gathering of mourners in the funeral parlor home. It was a stark contrast to the bustling funerals of my grandparents just a decade earlier, where friends, neighbors, and distant relatives joined together to bid farewell to their loved ones. In the…

Goodbye PowerPoint Marketers

It’s a toy. It’s a tool. It’ll kill all humanity. The world is changing fast and AI technology is becoming more advanced than ever before. The doomers are out in force to collect checks. Smaller fry realize their jobs are at risk. We may not reach Terminator SkyNet capabilities nor cause mass extinction, but we…

A Real Novel: Nutcrankr

In my last review of alt lit from the anon right world, I lamented that there seemed to be a word count cap to creations. No one was putting out a full, unified novel. Out just before the holidays in ‘22, Dan Baltic answered with Nutcrankr. It is a fun read and worth a purchase….

Longhouse, Short Tales

Reviewing fringe right cultural content, I understand the limitations of what will come out of the self-publishing or super niche, indie publishing space. It will be weird or outside the mainstream and the best stuff will capture a mood or a vibe that is undeniable, enjoyable and takes the reader away. A slight problem people…

Negative Econ Vibes

The initial second quarter GDP estimate dropped. For economic news consumers, the back to back negative quarters signaled a recession has begun. Just prior to its release, the White House began a quick top-down campaign to redefine a word (recession) to help their messaging. Media figures took their cue from the White House and quickly…

When Reality Is Horror

The lament on the right is that we do not control institutions and do not create cultural products. Where are the right wing artists? People complain about it. Few do anything about it. The Passage Prize crew had a competition and released their collection for $400. We’re talking about cultural products that are accessible and…

To Understand Ukraine, Read 85 Days In Slavyansk

The Current Thing is the war in Ukraine. Maybe not the most current thing pending Roe v. Wade, but the full force of propaganda is an ongoing pressure campaign. One of the features of this propaganda campaign is that nothing happened in Ukraine until Putin decided to invade. Quick online searches reveal what a fraud…

“Post-“, Post-American Lit

What is it to be American? What is America? America did not have such a hard time envisioning this a generation ago. In the wreckage of legislation and the machinations of big actors, we deal with these questions daily. Start a publishing house with a very limited readership and detail the efforts by billionaires, activists…

No Masculine Pivot

War makes things real. It cuts at the joints. Ukraine will not allow men aged 18-60 to flee the country. Defense of the homeland calls. Transwomen are now considered male and must stay behind and fight. A transman decided to femme up to pass as a woman again to flee fighting. Zelensky enjoys a publicity…