Amazon’s Digital Book Burning

“One of the things that surprises people – sometimes upsets publishers and authors – is that we let people enter negative reviews, and they say, why do you do this? You – your – you only make money if you sell the books. Why don’t you weed out the negative reviews? And the reason is:…

The Defamation of James D. Watson

“If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it.” —Epictetus ♦ In mid-January, 2019, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) formally severed all ties with ex-Chancellor Emeritus, James Dewey Watson. Mr. Watson is a American, Nobel-prize winning scientist, best known as the co-discoverer of the…


“We have a vested interest in creating panic, because then, money will flow to climate science.” ­ ―John R. Christy, climatologist, 1991 recipient of the NASA medal for exceptional scientific achievement and a lead researcher for the IPCC in 2001. On the 6th of October, 2018, the UN backed ENGO, Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change…

Industrialism Contra Envirocracy

The Western Industrial Revolution of the 19th Century and the industrial societies that it solidified which spurned on ground-breaking technological innovation, unprecedented production, defense from the elements, improvement in overall health and quality of life has garnered a vociferous opponent in the form of what I term envirocracy. Envirocracy, broadly and briskly defined, are those…