Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Italians – Small hope that a new government may address some of the globalist attacks on their people. The American Empire – Russia retreating in Ukraine and the EU stays in line. Market Shorts – Financial markets reeling as the FED isn’t stopping. In February, pundits said increases were priced in… nope. Losers Germans…

Modern Governing’s Social Complexity Problem

“GET OUT OF THE CITIES!!!” This line with accompanying punctuation marks slips into timelines of news feeds. It is the caption to a video of a wild attack on an innocent pedestrian by a criminal. It is the deep commentary to a graph on crime and prosecutorial malfeasance by a DA. It is also a…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Sports Enthusiasts – Tis the season for baseball playoffs, NCAA football and the NFL. Do your best to block out the hefty dose of woke messaging. NFL proudly supports National Hispanic Heritage Month! Commodity Exporters – Even in a downturn, nations will be scrambling for energy sources due to sanctions. Losers Long term bond…

Longhouse, Short Tales

Reviewing fringe right cultural content, I understand the limitations of what will come out of the self-publishing or super niche, indie publishing space. It will be weird or outside the mainstream and the best stuff will capture a mood or a vibe that is undeniable, enjoyable and takes the reader away. A slight problem people…

Syria 2012 Revisited

 “There is another type of warfare—new in its intensity, ancient in its origin—war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins; war by ambush instead of by combat,by infiltration instead of aggression, seeking victory by eroding and exhausting the enemy instead of engaging him. It preys on unrest.” –JFK Now and again, I get asked where did I…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Ukrainian Military – Appears a counteroffensive is taking territory back. Wins will earn them more billions in aid. Raytheon – That Ukrainian aid will take the form of military hardware. Losers Ukrainian Civilians – Russia started hitting infrastructure targets. Investors – Inflation still rough so more rate hikes are coming. College Students – Universities…

A Nickel For Your Thoughts

By Timocrat On Tuesday March 8th an event happened at the Nickel Exchange that is very ominous for our world at large and you in particular, that few outside the markets would have noticed and fewer still would have understood. For a day on the metals market the price of nickel went through the roof…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Oil exporters – Money printing should offset demand destruction and keep prices elevated. Headline Writers – Demand for new euphemisms for black criminals skyrocketing. Candle makers – Europeans will be reading by candlelight this winter. Losers White Joggers – No pity from the regime like Armed Robbery of Georgia. Northern Europeans – Cold winter…

Rewarding Your Base

The recent student debt forgiveness announcement has trickled through the news cycle down to the masses. It irks losers or those who do not benefit while pleasing the millions of Americans with current student debt balances. It also helps the entire university system by reducing debt loads to layer on more debt, set a precedent…

Winners, Losers and Links

Winners Social Control – Things feel eerily under control right now. Entropy is working it’s way through but no major protests. Urban crime is up but as desired by leadership. Black & Latino Borrowers – Back to 2002 we go with lending standards. No downpayment at current rates means higher mortgage rates for those borrowers…