The Populist Monkey Wrench for the International Order

Submitted by Jones In recent years, the world has seen a considerable increase in the number of politicians espousing populist rhetoric. Particularly in Europe and North America which ostensibly bear the negative costs of a globalized society through mass migration, demographic replacement, and economic decline, voters are becoming evermore cynical of the capabilities of the…

The Absolute Submission of Noam Chomsky

There comes a time in any profession where the old guard becomes decadent, or can no longer function at peak capacity, and must loosen the reigns to let the younger generations have a kick at the can, for better or for worse. This happened to the Soviets in the 80s, where every week was a…

Impeachment: Another Bite At The Apple

The Democrats have not handed over the articles of impeachment to the Senate. They want to try to finagle the terms of the trial. This is a joke. They want to try to rig it as much as possible not in hopes of a conviction but in hopes that all Biden related or Ukraine 2016…

New Year’s Goals + Five Friday Reads 12/27/19

People talk about resolutions at the turn of the year and immediately break them. The gym marketing campaigns are in full swing now to lure in the January tide. This tide will wash out by mid-February. Forget resolutions. Create goals. It seems as simple as writing them down, but the idea of a goal is…

Exiles Needed

By Gweilo If you’re reading this, then there’s a pretty good chance you already feel like an exile. Whether it was a place, a time, or a people, you’ve lost something and you’re not getting it back. We’re strangers in our own countries, our own towns, our own families. For many of us, it’s already…

Tactical Libertarianism and the Porn Question

Measured by organic support, libertarian philosophy appeals to almost no one. It nevertheless exerts an outsized influence in politics because it is a useful weapon for a hypocritical ruling class, that wields it selectively and in bad faith. Whenever someone questions the tech companies’ right to censor right-wing opinions, for instance, liberals suddenly turn into…

Impeachment: Walking the Plank

Impeachment came and went. Likely half the Democrat base woke up to find out Trump was still president. Stock market rose. Life went on. The flimsy nature of this impeachment and Trump’s own statements somehow diminished the gravitas of the idea of impeachment. Even the idea of X% support impeachment compared to Clinton or Nixon…

Shifting Culture + Five Friday Reads 12/20/19

An interesting piece on culture was linked to the Dark Enlightenment subreddit. It concerned a cultural reconquista of America. It had the accurate diagnosis that America’s cultural institutions are in the left’s hands. It used the reconquista of Spain as a way to explain that no, not all is lost and the culture can be…

A Tale of Two Opioid Epidemics

Submitted by Bodhi Bronson Continuing with my assertion that America and China have a few things to learn from each other — and that this is the only sensible relationship for these two empires to have with each other, rather than moving towards a global war — America should look to none other than Chairman Mao Zedong…

Calhoun, Biopower, and America’s Phony Constitution

It seems to me that the most important characteristic of “liberalism” is its attack on quiddity, that is, its attack on the notion of what-ness, of the singular essence of a thing itself. All other characteristics of liberalism are secondary. This came to mind when reading John C. Calhoun’s great Disquisition on Government. Along with…