Cancel Student Debt + Five Friday Links 6/28/19

This week was the big talk about why we need to wipe out student debt and do it now. Not just some but all of it. We also need to make college free. Free college is a dumb idea as it just becomes a bigger pipeline to funding university bloat. The debt cancelling though offers…

Commercializing The Faustian Spirit

Everest experienced an awful year for deaths this climbing season. Over ten perished making the trek to the summit. This is not new, as Everest previously unleashed mass death in prior seasons. Famously, the 1996 tragedy on Everest was described in great detail by author Jon Krakauer in his book, Into Thin Air. What has…

The Alternate Identity Crisis

The post-modern man struggles with identity. This much is obvious. It stares us in the face as transexual propaganda bears down on us. Men who think they are women. Women who think they are animals. Men and women who think they are somehow neither male or female but some other. This madness of identity is…


I had a week off work recently. On my return I was asked, as is the almost unconscious commonality, what I did on my week off. Much to the disappointment, confusion and potential disdain of my colleagues I replied “Not very much really, read a lot.” Arguably I did a fair amount, lifted weights, practiced…

Things Disappear + Five Friday Reads 6/21/19

An old reader asked me if I had the copy of my article on Trump being a Manchurian candidate for the Pentagon. I said not now but that Social Matter had it. He informed me that it was not coming up. I checked and nope, looks like Social Matter is either private or completely gone….

The Architecture of Impermanence

It is easy to look through the Twitter feed of Wrath of Gnon and shake one’s head in disgust at contemporary architecture. Why is everything so ugly now? Why does no builder design to please the eye and last? Why are materials so crummy, and why is stone and detail work avoided? Everything is built…

The Real Purpose of Pride

It is PRIDE month now. Woke Capital noticed something, and so did another little known account. This got me thinking. If all of these corporations are pushing homosexuality on us, devoting so much time to it that we have almost half the year dedicated to it, there must be a reason, right? People did not…

Homo Automatis: the Lesson of the NPC

In 1739, a creative Frenchman played a rather ingenious parlour trick on the public with the introduction of an automaton in the form of a duck which could eat, process, and eliminate corn kernals. Vaucanson’s defecating duck was a vulgar fascination that for a moment threw France into a fit of philistine excitement so great…

Is PRIDE Over Yet + Five Friday Reads 6/14/19

It was just letting them come out of the shadows. That was what it was pitched. They had Hollywood portraying their strife as one of just tolerance. Was it not just a handful of years ago Facebook was sharing heartfelt, canned speeches by young men raised by a lesbian couple in the ’90s as proof…

Ora et Laborum – Restoring Moral Order to Capitalist Societies

Destruction not Disruption – The New Economy Serves Only the Elite “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” – John D. Rockefeller Congressman Larry P. McDonald (who was later shot down on a Korean Airlines 747 by the Soviets) said in 1976, “The drive of the Rockefellers and their…