An Obituary

In his book Orthodoxy, while describing his reasons for accepting Christianity and the Church, Chesterton writes that he does so “…because the thing has not merely told this truth or that truth, but has revealed itself as a truth-telling thing.” He means that the Church has not incidentally pronounced certain truths but rather that it…

Partial Perspectives

It is inspiriting without doubt to whizz in a motor-car round the earth, to feel Arabia as a whirl of sand or China as a flash of rice-fields. But Arabia is not a whirl of sand and China is not a flash of rice-fields. -G.K. Chesterton, Heretics The story is familiar enough. Some institution is…

Plans, Trans, and Autogynephiliacs

Like a character out of a South Park episode, a hulking and enraged man identifying as a woman emphatically corrects another customer for misgendering him by calling him ‘sir.’ The scene became a spectacle and deserves a full recap to appreciate. Looking to be at least six feet tall, with a tense neck thick with…