An Esoteric Reading Of Anton’s BAP Review

One review has set the political pundits on a path to BAP. This review is more than just a review as it is by a former Trump White House member with high security clearances. Michael Anton decided to review Bronze Age Mindset. Anton gets it. Anton is a Straussian. All those of the Straussian school…

Curriculum Vermeulae: The Work and Works of Adrian Vermeule

I don’t know if Cornelius Adrian Comstock Vermeule is a fed. But in an act of fraternal regard, I have to say: Adrian, if you aren’t getting paid by the federal government, you should be. Think about what a valuable asset you would be! You have proven yourself a blind lapdog for the Bush administration’s…

Ideologies of Delayed Informatization

by the Chicago Civil Servant We’re observing the emergence of new (old) ideologies, and rapid political realignments punctuated by heroic calls for action and decisions. How do we deal with it? Let me take you through some old-school sociology before looking at the latest ideological calls for “decisions” and the suppression of speech. This is…

Book review: The Mandibles

Collapse fiction is its own micro-genre, drawing usually from some mix of narrative-wrapped prepper how-to manuals, science fiction, military fiction, and ideological screed. Some of it is quite good, some of it is not. In most of them, there is some token prologue to establish Normal; halfway through Act I there is a MacGuffin, and…

Brazilian Radicalization + Five Friday Reads 8/22/19

America’s future is pretty wide open. Brazil normally enters into the discussion. This is a disservice to Brazilians who have a more unified sense of what is a Brazilian. America might be a bit more South Korea on top of Brazil with 1.0 TFR working women and hikkikomori in our upper class with a lumpy…

Fat Loss and Agency

I am currently working on a series of articles on defending oneself from ClownWorld, but due to work and ministry considerations, this is taking quite a while. In the mean time, I decided to share some experience and opinion on a subject that most men can benefit from – weight loss. You don’t want to…

Augusto Del Noce and Our Crisis

The subject of modernity is a well-worn saw among traditionalists and right-wingers. Modernity is the second greatest villain in the trad panoply of baddies after only Satan himself. And not without reason. Once the periodization scheme of antiquity, medieval, and modernity—with the latter being inaugurated by the Protestant Reformation and Enlightenment—is delineated, it’s fairly natural…

The 5 Ss of Xenoestrogen Warfare

How often is it that you read some article and out of nowhere the writer drops that the food, the liquid, the material is a known estrogenic? It is in our water with contraceptive pill residue. Our receipts have some. Our hand soap has some. At some point, we will read that chemtrails are not…

Tactics of the Troubles – Part 2

Perhaps one of the most repulsive acts of barbarism from The Troubles came from the Loyalist Shankhill Butchers. These murders stand apart for the barbarism they demonstrated. Innocent Catholics were abducted, tortured, killed, and cut up into pieces. It was a set of crimes that hardened UDA and UVF men in the Maze found repulsive….

Epstein’s Dead + Five Friday Reads 8/16/19

Epstein is dead. There have been many hot takes. I have no clue who did it and we will never find out. Those in power who used him are in power for a reason. They are psychopathic rulers who will do anything to maintain control, which means more than you are willing to do plus…