Warhammer 40k Viewed From the Right: Liberal Nihilism

Despite our milieu’s positioning as dissidents, people take media way too seriously. And among the pantheon of corporate products that the online right likes to pretend belong to it, none is more iconic than perhaps Warhammer 40,000 or simply 40k. What 40k art exists (that isn’t a visually-cluttered mess) looks appealing to a right wing,…

Back In The Gym + Friday Reads

Summer is winding down. Enjoy the last few weeks. Book has been out two months. If you don’t have it, where to buy it? You can buy it atTerror House directly. If an Amazon guy, buy it here. At Barnes & Noble, the link is here. Have the gyms re-opened in your state? one of…

Secession Would Allow For Renewed Group Rituals

The culture war is an ongoing fight with one side steadily winning each round as they are aligned with the referees but losing to reality because their ideology is nothing but lies. The larger picture though is that it is not purely that two sided struggle but an all against all struggle. We lack cultural…

Fighting the Woke or Friendly Fire

The intellectual dark web is one of the more fun things to pop up since 2015 for its unintentional comedic value. Jordan B. Peterson’s life went from mild mannered left wing professor who would not use his students’ pronouns for the day into media sensation, best selling author and very very well funded thinkfluencer. As…

Navigating Diversity and Inclusion

Corporate America is going all in on woke ideology. Goodyear is the latest to go insane with the obvious stance of Tumblr 2015 is grand while anything opposite or neutral is evil and unacceptable. They want you gone White men at the slightest infraction. Don’t worry Asians and White Hispanics, you are next. The concentration…

To be Open is to Be: on E-mentors and a Partial E-survival Guide.

Recently a very timely (or perhaps untimely) book came out from Ryan Landry entitled “Masculinity Amidst Madness” published by Terror House Press. It is a survival guide of sorts for a spiritual masculinity deeply under siege in the modern world, and well worth a read. So in keeping with the same themes, I will offer…

The Historical Record & Friday Reads

I’m back. Vacation was fun. Enjoy something of summer. Book has been out two months. If you don’t have it, where to buy it? You can buy it at Terror House directly. If an Amazon guy, buy it here. At Barnes & Noble, the link is here. An amazing story of domestic court politics has…

States Are Richer Than Americans Think

The whispers and murmurs of secession grow with each passing year, with the scenarios making it onto mainstream publications on a steady basis. Polling firms are even asking if people want to secede now, and the ‘20s have just begun. This is partly because things get worse and weirder with each passing year, and partly…

Welcoming Johnny-Come-Latelys

Michael Anton is a former Trump official who became briefly notorious when it was revealed in early 2017 that, just before the 2016 election, he had been the author of the infamous “Flight 93 Election” essay, which argued that a Hillary victory would end America. Or something like that. Anton is hard to pin down….

George Floyd and Baphomet Watch Over Minneapolis

If you end up going to the George Floyd Memorial Zone (GMZ) I recommend you take a pair of sunglasses, a pack of cigarettes, and a rosary. The sunglasses provide cover for the eye-rolling and gawking you’ll do in this sacred space, the cigarettes provide an excuse not to wear the face-muzzle which in the…