A Grand Unified Theory of Neoliberalism

There are terms we see used promiscuously yet cannot define. Sometimes this is for the purpose of obfuscation. “Fascism,” as Orwell knew in 1946, means “something not desirable” to the left; the word “liberalism” has very nearly the same meaning for the right. It is not so much conceptual difficulty that keeps us from defining…

Why Fringe Right Memes Work

When the meme becomes real. This messaging between men in the fringe right happens from time to time with a photo or a Facebook text screencap. A meme that started as a joke is confirmed in the wild. It is a bit absurd to consider how the memes of the fringe, which are small sections…

A Tribune & Friday Reads

I received another friendly review from Bapexandria for the book. If you don’t have it, where to buy it? You can buy it at Terror House directly. If an Amazon guy, buy it here. At Barnes & Noble, the link is here. Normally, those steeped in Moldbuggian memes would say that the politicans do not…

Admissions of a Former Libertarian

Submitted by Former Libertarian Like many men before me I had entertained the political philosophy of libertarianism early in my youth. The ideology rooted itself in my life during my early years at college as I had mistakenly viewed it as an anecdote to the plague of cancel culture rife on college campuses. I was…

Romney and Trump

News of Senator Romney agreeing to vote for a new Supreme Court Justice was seen as Romney bending a knee. His impeachment vote was a petty move of personal rancor, but even Mitt cannot look his GOP state squarely and deny them this. One cannot help but laugh at Romney helping out Trump in any…

Culture Clash

By Corey Wolf In 1865 Asa McCoy, a former Union Army soldier, was murdered after returning to his home in Kentucky after fighting in the Civil War. It would be the first murder in the famous Hatfield-McCoy feud that lasted for 30 years, resulting in over a dozen revenge murders, the governors of Kentucky and…

Ginsburg’s Demise, And The Coming American Crackup

Submitted by Eli Wallace Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead.  These are the words that we all have been waiting to hear for years, and with good reason. The writers have been hinting at it for at least the past 3 seasons, but everytime it seemed to finally, maybe, be starting to happen she always somehow…

Cuties & Friday Reads

I cannot shill like Mystery Grove with memes and threats, but I do a little here. If you don’t have it, where to buy it? You can buy it at Terror House directly. If an Amazon guy, buy it here. At Barnes & Noble, the link is here. Cuties. Oh Lord. This is a disgusting,…

Passing Opportunists

The recent racial revelations in academia are just a retread of the Rachel Dolezal circus. This is pretty revealing. The left’s trans push is laid bare as a complete joke. The media going along with Dolezal though to the degree it did was not duplicated for these academics in 2020 (ed: another purged). The social…

Democrats Can’t Be Primaried, But They Can Be Taken Over

It has been floating around the sphere and even wider Internet. What exactly? That the Democrats face the possibility of being primaryed or will collapse. Long ago, Julian Assange had an interesting wall of text tweet that mentioned the Democrats’ chances for collapse, and several others have discussed the base frustration, the base’s split and…