It’s Okay To Sit One Out

Submitted by a peaceful anon

Hamas raided Israeli land. Demonstrators rallied to support the Palestinian cause. Friends of Israel lit up with a fury not seen in ages. The Internet filled with calls of ethnic cleansing, genocide and even “glassing”. It did not matter which side, the messaging was heated from day one. As white westerners living thousands of miles away from the battlefield, let us all sit this one out and pray for peace.

Similar to the Ukraine-Russia war, there is no direct interest in this conflict for the average westerner. Let us pray for peace. One upside is this may end the blank check the West wrote to Ukraine, which should deescalate that conflict. This new conflict is also fraught with dangerous escalation triggers. The difference here is most Ukrainian battlefield escalations had one opponent to worry about, albeit a nuclear armed foe. This conflict involves multiple terrible permutations for escalation.

If Israel steamrolls Gaza, do Muslims kick off terror attacks at targets sympathetic to Israel in the West? Does Hezbollah attack in the north once IDF assets commit to Gaza? Does Lebanon, currently ‘governed’ by a coalition with Hezbollah as a member, commit forces or simply free passage for Shia militias into Lebanon? Does Syria deploy assets to aid Hezbollah? Does Iran directly engage or simply fund and supply their proxies? Does Jordan remain stable? Does any force take shots at the significant naval surface vessels now in the Eastern Med? Do the nuclear implied threats Mr. Shapiro mentioned get triggered? Do American troops become a factor either in direct conflict or as peacekeeper policing roles? Does a proxy force take a shot at Al-tanf which controls the shortest route for the Shia corridor?

Please read that link on the Al-tanf base as President Trump wanted it wound down but our elite keeps it open for three reasons and none are good. Train Syrian rebels? That time is over and America had bases to train rebels in safe Jordan, so why have that risky base? It is explicitly to disrupt the Shia supply corridor. The other entry point on the more northern land route between Syria & Iraq was just bombed by the Israelis. American troops have been an exposed tripwire for greater involvement in Syria, and now, that camp is a tripwire for American involvement in this new conflict. It is purely a trap and American troops are the bait.

Whether your sympathies lie with Israel or the Palestinians, no need to voice them. “Golly gee, boss, I’m just praying for peace and that this does not escalate,” is fine if it comes up at work. Intel services will be monitoring support expressed online. Tying entities or individuals to supporting Hamas will make you a target, and if you are on the right, our intel community is already interested in you as a target. Don’t make their job easier. This is a big distraction from the many problems we have in our Western nations. It also offers opportunities.

The squabbles on the left open up a crack in their coalition. Press on this. As Chris Rufo has pointed out, decolonization rhetoric is all through academia pointed at ‘settler nations’. Americans, Australians, Canadians etc. are already considered the same as Israel. Blubbering wimp Chris Hayes titled his book A Colony in a Nation to connect the rhetoric to our American situation. The left’s rabble sees the Hamas raid and drools at the prospect of that happening in America today. Point this out. Tie this ideological albatross around the left’s neck. Attack academia, NGO funding, the antifa-adjacent class and the street activist class. Cancel them? Uhhhh, maybe just make donors aware of their vassals’ statements; they can enjoy free speech.

The other opportunity is the very pro-zionist crowd must be made to see that many people may be sympathetic to their situation but would like the same rules of engagement for themselves. Bill Ackman tweeted one of the most oblivious tweets of all-time asking how Americans would feel if this happened across the Mexican border. Well, Mr. Ackman, it does happen, has been happening for decades, and yes, we do know how it feels. Now may we Heritage-Americans react the same as Israel? Atrocities against pretty, Israeli ravers and kidnapped Israeli children justify a righteous response? Why yes, this is horrific. Now allow Euros and Americans to express righteous anger, govern appropriately and strike hard for the deaths of Ebba Akerlund and Mollie Tibbetts. Attacking a rave is terrifying. It is like attacking a concert. Did you know at Bataclan, jihadis not only killed hostages but castrated some before killing them? If pictures are to be used to generate sympathy for the IDF’s work and play on heart strings, then this unnamed dead child from the Nice Truck Attack should have justified deportations and retribution.

2016 Nice Truck Attack

As Tucker Carlson stated, these hundreds of deaths in Israel are sad, yet we see 100,000 overdose deaths each year due to our porous border, lax immigration enforcement for those inside already and murky work at the border between federal agencies, cartels, human smugglers, NGOs and other third parties. Israel should be vigilant protecting their borders, but so should America. We (and EU nations) deserve the same use of law enforcement. If military aid is to be provided, the rhetoric and messaging that prevents us from enjoying the same vigilance must end. “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander,” as the saying goes. Foreigners committing terroristic acts should not be part and parcel of living in any nation.

Need a two way street.

The call to relocate Palestinians in America has already begun. No, sorry, per Israeli media figures, these Palestinians all support Hamas, and we should not plant seeds of terrorist sympathizers on our shores. Right wing Americans should be burning the phones to elected federal representatives to prevent this and pushing their state houses to just say no to ‘refugees’. If your church is a treasonous entity or wobbly when the word refugee is uttered, get involved and active now. Just say no.

Do support those who also take the opportunity to push for an end to immigration. We all know the same entities pushing woke insanity are open borders. They build strength by creating new, tenuously connected to the center clients. Remove them. These numerous pro-Palestinian rallies would not happen without many imported bodies (not just the indoctrinated). Close the borders to protect those endangered Jews who feel insecure waking up to a West where their nominal allies want them dead. We will shut the border and deport to protect them. America should deport tens of millions so that our 6 million American Jews feel comfortable walking city streets. Our cities should be safe.

I pray for peace. I pray for a quick resolution. I pray that there is no escalation of hostilities. Let us all wish the people of the Middle East good luck, provide our thoughts & prayers and focus on our own problems.

16 Comments Add yours

  1. Aeoli Pera says:

    Pretty decent article. Some nitpicks.


    1. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      you are directly responsible for these things, and even you know it.


      1. Aeoli Pera says:

        See, this right here is why I don’t want you obsessing over me. This is mental illness talking.


    2. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      you are at fault for every evil of the world, yet you pretend to be against the collapse just because your damned anglo race isn’t the one holding the knife plunging into the heart of Humanity anymore. Therefore your anger at the collapse is the petty tantrum of a spiteful villain who wasn’t important enough to be invited to star in the finale of the comic book you think Real Life is. you would be 100% on board with the collapse if it was happening at the pace you set it; the path and destination is the same one you set you are just mad your former slaves are increasing the speed.

      I am also pointing out the simple fact that a hispanic who has fashioned himself into a wannabe anglo due to a mixture of sexual sin and frustrated “neoconservatism” is the EXACT cause of not only every evil you pretend to be against (though only because you’re not in control of it anymore) but the reason the world is at the brink of total war again. you sacrifice EVERYTHING to maintain a suburban prison system that was designed to ruin Humanity. you loved the prison so much you are angry it went away though it’s purpose was partially achieved.

      On your personal website you tried to attack me for being Catholic using tricks you aren’t aware that I have seen and crushed a thousand times before, and I categorically named every permutation of how you could have gotten your reprobate mind. this lead to you not posting my comments to your site and banning me to hide your shame.


      1. Aeoli Pera says:

        I’m German Irish bro.

        Mods, can I apply for a restraining order or something? This guy is going to show up at my house someday if he doesn’t find somebody else to obsess over.


    3. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      your curses are returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.

      And to restate what made you so afraid in a place you can’t touch: Conscience, Christ, And The Gift Of Faith Make evil men (that’s you!) uneasy in their sin (Good.).

      you are unforgivably blaspheming, you are clearly unwell, and you are (in feeblest of desperations) trying to drag others to hell either in your place or with you.

      there are two options for your attack here:
      – you are either going to claim you are a small-c “cradle catholic” and so you are somehow a Doctor Of The Church because you never were Catholic, didn’t know anything about The Faith, were easy pickings for demons (see my quote from God Himself as to why), and then ran away screaming due to shame over sexual sin once you started masturbating/fornicating and have been leading clandestine terrorist attacks on Catholics since in delusion it will hide the aforementioned shame over sexual sin (see Venerable Fulton Sheen’s explanation of you as to why).
      – you are going to claim The Church is “delusion” or that you “were just like me” as one of those terrorist attacks.

      Firstly, you have nothing and know nothing outside of The Church, you are just trying to commit suicide by cutting off the branch of the tree that Sustains you.

      Secondly, you were never “just like me” because you don’t have my Charism, I was not kicked out of God’s Grace And Providence, and I’m not a reprobate!

      In other words, all outside of The Church is fake, and your sense of false importance you hide behind does not compare to my actual importance. No more so than satan’s fake importance compared to St Michael’s actual importance; and how did that fight go? I’m sure they covered that in your second grade catechism.


    4. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      Now to conclude your reign of terror, you may have this ringing inside you until the worldwide holocaust in honor of your ego (that you hunger for so much) is foiled again by Us; Pay very close attention to this From God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin about why you are this way and why We in The Church are not:
      “Do you know dearest daughter, how I raise the soul out of her imperfections? Sometimes I vex her with evil thoughts and a sterile mind. It will seem to her that I have left her completely, without any feeling whatever. She does not seem to be in the world, because she is in fact not there; nor does she seem to be in me because she has no feeling at all other than that her will does not want sin. I do not allow enemies to open the gate of the will that is free. I do let the devils and other enemies of humankind beat against other gates, but not against this, which is the main gate guarding the city of the soul. I do not will the soul’s death as long as she is not so stupid as to open the gate of her will. They cannot enter unless her own will chooses to let them in.”

      Contrition, Conversion, Confession, Penance, Repentance.

      death, Judgement, Heaven, or h*ll.



    5. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      you repeatedly insult The Church. I defeat you, you continue to do it, I defeat you again. you then try some smarm where you ask if I was Born Catholic or Converted, which is a game I have seen countless times, and so I not only defeat you personally I defeat your last trick. this is when, after countless defeats at my hand in one conversation, you pretend I am a “stalker” because you have nothing left to attack me with.


    6. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      Also, in what world does “german irish” refute my point? It only makes it worse for you.

      you act like a disgruntled anglo, you yearn for anglo freemason supremacy; no matter how superficial or artificial.

      If you were a Hispanic, you would at least have a chance at a proud heritage before they were conquered by freemasons in 1870. you would therefore just be another of your kind to fall, but the fall would be from a great height and would be a terrible insult to your Family who would have been great fighters against the regime.

      german just means you are the first to fall, chosen by the devil as they who will birth the antichrist due to your combined hebrew and barbarian heritage. you betraying a German Catholic Family however would be betraying a Family who fought under worse conditions over 5 times as long as any Hispanic Family. Bragging that you are German is silly as it is, but then bragging that you burned a winning lottery ticket for a chance at entry into the freemasons is not a compliment to you in ANY respect.

      Thirdly, Irish could be even worse than that. you are either north “irish,” and therefore descended from a long line of cowards who sold their soul to satan and the english crown to be a second class anglo slave, or you are Irish and therefore you betrayed your fighting Family to be just another “souper.”

      In other words: despite you wanting to be an anglo, you never will be. anglos HATE germans and especially Irish, which means that for all your betrayals and all your Rosary-crushing and blaspheming you will never be able to rise above the rank of slave in the freemason-english caste system. So since you were apparently born into a Catholic Family, that means you betrayed all your Family’s Fight and Resistance against satan just for table scraps from the devil’s old empire.

      I therefore never want to hear from you or anyone like you again the word “regime” in a negative connotation or how much you want to oppose them again. you already sold your soul to the devil for the sake of joining a long-defunct headquarters of the regime, you won’t oppose an organization you ruined everything just to join. all you can do is just bitterly stomp your feet and click your heels and hope the clock will revert 150 years and that anglos will be the devil’s vanguard again.

      To simplify even further: like all “conservatives,” you simply exist to “conserve” old liberalism, and the liberalism you want to “conserve” is the freemason reign of elizabeth 1 to edward. your only problem with the “regime” is that the devil and his sins past you by (the devil is dead by the way though!).


  2. bert33 says:

    iran could take in the refugees and give them a permanent home


  3. GDR says:

    Well I’m not going to fight for either side but it seems like a win-win for me.

    If Israel holocausts 6 million Palistinians or even worse nukes half the middle east, then no one will ever care about the holocaust ever again and we will have moral high ground to ignore their kvetching. The BBQ’d Muslims are icing on the cake.

    However if Israel loses, then that’s 6 million less subversive parasites and their cousins lose their base of operations. If they nuke half the middle east, then even better. We can then walk in and take the oil.

    I just wish I could out-jew the jews by selling weapons to both sides, as per jewish SOP.

    This could get better only if India vs Pakistan and China vs Taiwan kick off. No more Pakis/Indians, and no more 3 Gorges Dam or Taiwanese chip fabs.

    That leaves only 3 problems: Washington DC, Africa, and Latin America. But the latter 2 are only a problem due to the former.


  4. Aeoli Pera says:

    I can’t justify continuing to comment here and risk giving my new stalker the easy attention he needs to fuel his obsession. If I leave he’ll get bored and wander off, so that’s what I’ll have to do.

    If the mods decide to take my request seriously and prevent Nigel and me from interacting on this website so he’ll get bored and wander off, they can reply to this comment and I’ll see it in my WP feed. Then I can come back.


  5. NC says:

    Its cousin on cousin war in race and religion. RUS/you got grain is brother vs brother war. Stop giving any of them (entire world) my tax $$$.

    Don’t want Celtic/Norse/Arian/Frisian/others related to die again in a greedy merchant pedo banker war for a demonic cause.

    Interesting that on 10/8 the USA military recruitment commercials all dropped the globohomo recruit for the tried and true rural american male.



  6. Vxxc says:

    Lol I shall pray for the Gaza rave fate for all who say “peace.”
    Indo European Anon Warlord.


    1. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      wishing death on people is how you got here; do not do it!


    2. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      And because you make it necessary:

      your curses are returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.

      you have a Rosary such that your eyes will be opened or Permanently Closed.

      any demon you attempt to contact will be sent straight to h*ll and annihilated. any demon that attempts to contact you will be sent straight to h*ll and annihilated.

      should you (or ANYONE in your coven, no matter how tangential) EVER even think of harming me, my family, or ANYONE in The Church again all your curses will be returned upon you (and ALL of them) in full until you are all no more. Even if you (or ANY of them) have done so between when you posted this message and when I have sent this one. Period. By My Final Authority.

      Contrition, Conversion, Confession, Penance, Repentance. death, Judgement, Heaven, or hell. PERIOD. END OF.


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