Winners, Losers and Links


Military Industrial Complex – No worries about Ukraine funding winding down. Israel’s conflict will take its place… plus we have to spend for >checks article< the possible two wars against Russia and China.


Palestinians & Israelis – The raid last weekend will kick off a conflict that will get very bloody and likely ruin or end the lives of many civilians.

IDF/Mossad Mystique – The raid out of Gaza shatters the image of Israel’s military and intel dominance.

Western Nations – Just as Ukraine fatigue set in and whispers of peace talks started, lessening risk of escalation, a new conflict begins that has multiple possibilities of escalation.

Zelensky – If the gravy train is ending, he should face a very difficult winter.


Pat Casey on the latest flare up in the Levant.

Laying blame at Bibi’s feet.

Luttwak on the intel failure.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

    In 2003, a reader named “zula zorana” wrote to jeffery rense (founder of “infowars,” minor deity of the “conspiracy” movement, himself an anti-zionist j) to discuss an article on his site by an anti-zionist j named “rose rabbinovich”; where she posted a copy of rabbi emmanuel rabinovich’s 1952 speech in Hungary on the “pax judaica” as caused by the third world war they wanted to start.

    the aforementioned commentor zula said that he can only imagine how terrible it was for the j’s under the nazis because of how terrible it is to be a palestinian under the zionist’s thumb. then said that the closest thing he has seen to an actual “nazi” in real life is listening to j’s talk about how much “better” they are than arabs and how they want all arabs exterminated. then pointed out that the only non-j comments allowed in j newsgroups of 2003 were self-described white supremacists, and all other comments from non-j’s are deleted.

    On a side note, this war that seems like it was written by a team of marvel movie scriptwriters has an eerie similarity to the plan of freemason grandmaster andrew pike to institute his “one world order” using three world wars: the first two were exactly like the “world wars” that we had, and the third planned was to be between “political judaism” (pike’s word for communism) and islam. the plan was cooked up in 1880, at pike’s yearly camp in the arizona desert that he started with his “good friend” mark twain (I put it in quotes because the gathering was known for three things: scheming, drugs, and sodomy); this eventually was moved to san francisco and is now called “the bohemian grove.”


  2. NC says:

    EVERYstein SINGLEberg TIMEowitz


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