Winners, Losers and Links


Black criminals – Even if you gut a man in front of his marxist girlfriend, she will not provide the cops a description.

British dental patients – Anything goes.


Urban, woke activists – Multiple dead pro-criminal activists and/or donors.

DeSantis Shills – He keeps sliding in polls. If he takes the Walker route and admits reality, the gravy train ends.


The red caesar idea gets media attention.

Can there be a free independent press? Doubtful right now if Bari Weiss is the face.

LA criminals can rob you and get a speeding ticket of sorts while you hire lawyers to recover anything taken.

Alternative view stating Ukraine is the UK’s war.

The NKVD targets extremists known as MAGA. So 45% of America is under surveillance by the feds.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Big T says:

    Difficult to imagine something gayer than Donald Trump as a Caesar figure


    1. Aeoli Pera says:

      The reaaon we hate him now is it was plausible at the time, and he threw it away for joo joo cum.


    2. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

      a far-left democrat from qthe 1980’s-1990’s is the “perfect” figure of solid “conservatism” for the boomer/xer classes. Just like they remember from when they were far-left themselves!


  2. Brother John says:

    How did this place wind up with so many garbage commenters?


  3. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

    the “right wing ceasar” is the antichrist, by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. stallard0 says:

      NRx-ish papists worst hit (they already bow the knee to the Antichrist anyway, though). RW Caesar is a funny idea because we have never been so far from militarism and reverence and influence for military officers as now and never so infected by LW mandarins, including anyone who would be a Caesar analog.

      Epic bacon technocrat despotism seems more likely, and if Musk is anything to go by, would be catastrophically bad as we see all drugs legalized, 10-figure infrastructure projects with no costing basis, accelerating the byzantine death spiral of bureaucracy by greenlighting every lickspittle policy adviser who can say “machine learning”, and “merit-based” immigration that fixes nothing and rubber stamps millions of Indian and Chinese visas.

      At least most “Caesarism” acknowledges that we do not, in fact, have royalty or nobility to draw from (a point of difference from actual Caesar and historical Caesarean figures), like 18th century European states holding a lottery for whichever relative gets to inherit a vacant, heirless throne (T&Cs apply, may trigger civil war). Paradox games nationalism where you pluck a random heir to a defunct throne and they are magically transformed from a UN apparatchik and partner at a merchant bank to Charlemagne was a painfully bad fad.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

        you certainly persist in unforgivable blaspheming even years after I first met you. you are a perfect example of a worshiper of the antichrist: protestant, marxist, with occult leanings, and a deference to the german “white islam” angelism rhetoric. In other words, you serve all four horseman at once, commit all sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance at once, are a nominalistic, naturalistic, materialist technocrat, and perfectly invert Reality while projecting all your evil onto The Church.

        in other words, if you were born a spirit instead of a human, you would have been a demon. you are just as “fiddly” as they are, you are just as cruel as they are, just as supremacist, just as concerned with outward appearance, just as vindictive, just as projectiinary, just as obsessed with names as they are, and just as legalistically transfixed on ideas they don’t understand as they are.

        For all your unforgivably blasphemous assertions that Catholics worship the antichrist, even you must notice you have an autistic laundry list of qualities you fantacize for the real antichrist to have. he has to be white (but the right kind of “white”), have a proper technological mindset that aggrandizes your race but only in your specific country, is totally against all outward perversion (except for when he’s “gay” for you and you alone in the gym showers like bap is, baby), must be german protestant plus anglo freemason, is as autistically caught up with words as you are, and is autistically caught up rhetoric from 19th and 20th-century right-liberal writers that one one heard of before claremont wanted to make money off of them.

        In other words you are like a nerdy goth girl trying to prove you are not at all interested in “football chads” by pointing out how the one you are accused of liking doesn’t fit with all the lurid fantasies you have about “footbal chads” in your erotic livejournal poems. you, the mary sue, the legend in your own dramatist mind, sneer about the antichrist like coming up with the perfect boyfriend for you in your fanfiction. “oh no! elon musk, who on multiple occasions has called himself the antichrist, won’t build the temple to satan within proper building permits angled to freemason “sacred geometry” and will let brown people inside it!” is the most demonesque thing I have heard; you have hit every one of their pain points there.

        you perfectly encapsulate two things:
        -the first is why germans are the chosen people of the devil, the race marked by the corruption of the capital sin of pride, whom God allowed to be swallowed whole by satan so the devil could make his “church” there in 1517.
        -the second is what Pope St Pius II said about you, “that no matter what we owe the Italians as the nursemaids of civilization, and that the germans will be its gravediggers.” and “I could teach the most stubborn donkey to speak Perfect Latin before I could teach the most intelligent german to pull a plow with his teeth.”


      2. stallard0 says:

        I don’t have words to describe half of whatever you just regurgitated, but didn’t you deny the legitimacy of Papa Francesco? Seems like the man usurping the title of “vicar of Christ” who is clearly a collaborator and sanctions all kinds of blasphemies and profanations is a pretty good fit for the title.

        I don’t idolize Musk, in case that wasn’t obvious, and unlike many people in this sphere, I don’t buy into pseudo-messianic strongmen in general, which is an impotent fantasy. I would also put convincing yourself that the Second Coming must happen soon because you can’t see the the pieces ever being put back together in the same category. I’m sure plenty of Romans fretted that the end must be nigh when Rome fell for the 4th time to illiterate barbarians but Providence humbled them all.

        I come in here time to time to present a more WASPish perspective where a lot of pieces are clearly influenced by Jewish/Catholic/Nietzschean/Continental/etc. thought alien to our people. If we can’t make peace with our ancestors and what they stood and fought for, then there is no hope to rise above alienated cattle (reduce to the sole distinction of being unmelanated and having a better-than-average QOL) to have the life squeezed out of.

        And most fundamentally, there is no hope for us at all except in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.


      3. NIGEL is a TEAPOT says:

        The first seal was broken by mohammed, as he was the first horseman of war.

        The second by the combined albegenesian / orthodox heresies that eventually formed the freemasons that your country takes as its state religion.

        the third horseman was the german empire, the english empire, and the freemasons that bound all the peoples of pride together in total bondage.

        the fourth horseman was communism and modernism et al, marking the devil’s century from 1917-2017, where your “god” (the devil) had his “hour” of God’s Day. the devil was slain in 2009, and all the demons were imprisoned in 2017.

        The fifth seal will be broken in 2029 with The Three Days in darkness. your empires and all you know will be totally erased here, with so few survivors that the few remaining (the last few Catholics, real ones) will take years to find another.

        The Fifth age will be one of farming, rebuilding from nothing on a scale greater than what Noah had to.

        The sixth and seventh ages will some start some indeterminate time after.

        Like as usual with your kind, you assume that because you don’t know something that no one could possibly know it. Similarly, I know how to describe what I wrote: accurate. you can’t use your usual tricks because I not only answered them all but crushed them.

        you are a freemason, you worship the devil, and despite all your protests you screech like a jilted teen girl angry the antichrist you are tasked to worship by your coven isn’t what you had in your fantasies.

        Like I pointed out, every single one of your traits and angst matches 1:1 with that of a demon. And like all germans you rank between a donkey and your dead “god” satan, less furious about the existence of brown people and more furious you can’t build more banks, whorehouses, and slaveyards to oppress them.

        A Pope is an umpire and nothing else; any other quality you attribute is just one of your material heretics coming up with another thing to demand of you, that you slavishly provide.

        “the Pope can fly!” “the Pope gets to have sex with every woman!” and no matter the demand you provide, eagerly, all in the name of the flag of slavery and the royal family of satan; only behind the us founders and the four french terrors in unmitigated evil.

        spoilers: God was who defeated you.


  4. NC says:

    Was good to see “EVERYstein SINGELberg TIMEowitz” and mate get the enrichment of culture they so RICHLY deserve…


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