American Shitshow: The Strategy of Tension

Writing while events lay fresh on the ground has plusses and minuses. On the one hand, before narratives are concretized (increasingly by force and censorship), key little details stick out that will later become retconned as implausible or forbidden to know about. On the other, we of course do not know how things will shake…

American Shitshow: The Silver Platter

The demoralization psyops are running hot and heavy. The press “calls” the election for Biden at every opportunity (sure, their polling was some blend of malicious and incompetent, but now they’re totally confident of the outcome of a complex legal & political process that doesn’t end until January). Hey, did you hear Trump is considering…

American Shitshow: It’s Happening Edition

I told you what was going to happen, and lo: here it is. A hundred thousand votes here and there, and suddenly Joe Biden is a hairsbreadth from becoming president for the few months it takes for his brain to gracelessly complete its shutdown procedures. The fraud is obvious, and detailing it ad nauseum would…

American Shitshow: Debates, Chaos, and Battlefield Preparation

One of the paradoxes of political action is that even once you have an office with formal power and a mandate to govern, it is extremely difficult to get people theoretically “on your side” to do something. In fact, it’s often difficult to figure out who precisely your guys are – in a country of…

Welcoming Johnny-Come-Latelys

Michael Anton is a former Trump official who became briefly notorious when it was revealed in early 2017 that, just before the 2016 election, he had been the author of the infamous “Flight 93 Election” essay, which argued that a Hillary victory would end America. Or something like that. Anton is hard to pin down….

Film Review: “Manderlay”

Eureka, I have found it – the most racist movie. Usually contenders for this title rely merely on unfortunate stereotypes. Song of the South, Gone with the Wind, Birth of a Nation. It’s beating a dead horse to say that “racism” is a bit ill-defined, extending to respectful portrayals of a putatively Hispanic character by…

American Shitshow: Dead Guy Edition

Far be it for me to dishonor the memory of part time bouncer, small time pornographic actor, and armed home invasion robbery enthusiast whatsisname by calling attention to his life, rather than his death. No one much cared that he was alive, and no one much cared (or cares) that he specifically is dead. So…

The Virus Cramdown

There is a woke centrist meme that our elites are merely incompetent, or beholden to ideologies that makes competence impossible. Mentioning that things are from places is racist, so anti-racist ideology prevents you from realizing you should perhaps shut down flights to a bubbling disease reservoir. “Public health experts” have more respect for their institutional…

How government works

Apropos of this politically illiterate gem, I feel it is time to go over some basics. You see, in a state of nature, every man is free and possessed of certain inalienable rights. They encounter each other, and use their faculties to delegate powers to a government to secure their lives, liberties, and property. Whenever…

“The Family”, projection, and power

“The Family” is best understood as a black comedy. In a comedy, it’s traditional to have a straight man – the character who doesn’t realize he’s in a comedy, and interprets things through the lens of “normalcy” – not quite an audience stand-in, because he doesn’t break frame even when any sane person would be…