Emergent Transhumanism

Most people are very conscious of the rapid pace of technological advancement in society, but most view it with optimism.  Others express skepticism, in fear of losing work to various advancements such as artificial intelligence.  Few however, are aware of the reality of the transhumanist movement; others view it as far fetched science fiction.  

Several major tech companies, including Neuralink, Facebook, and DARPA are currently developing Brain Machine Interfaces (Singh).  This sort of technology, which is an attempt to link human consciousness with a computer, and lead to thought speed communication is part of a larger movement to overcome the natural limitations of the human experience (Landers).  Max More, a leading transhuman theorist states,

“Transhumanist regard human nature not as an end, not as perfect, and not as having any claim on our allegiance. Rather, it is just one point along an evolutionary pathway and we can learn to reshape our own nature in ways we deem desirable and valuable. By thoughtfully, carefully, and yet boldly applying technology to ourselves, we can become something no longer accurately described as human—we can become posthuman (Singh, p25).”  

In other words, our tech elites are attempting to manufacture a complete and separate species, from human lineage; which opens a lot a host of problems left unaddressed by both philosophical and theological circles outside of the transhuman community (Dumsday).  Transhumanism is the true torch bearer of enlightenment progressivism and is merely another utopian idea being thrust upon society that will inevitably lead to conflict and devastation. 

Before the tech companies and transhumanist conspirators can execute their plan, the populace must be properly conditioned.  Variance of thought will not be conducive to a peaceful network of human consciousness; thus, it is necessary for assimilation into the superior word view.  Only ideas compatible with co-existing within the global network of linked minds will be compatible. 

The major tech companies mentioned earlier, among others, have already begun the process of educating the people via traditional truth outlets, such as mainstream media and universities.  They have already begun censoring dissenting views and opinions on social media, and other platforms that these same tech companies’ control (McNally).  In addition to punishing dissident thinkers, the populace needs to be convinced that the transhumanist agenda is a good for them.  For example, even Forbes.com, generally considered conservative compared to their rival, Business Insider, presents steps towards transhumanism as a positive advancement (Singh).

The internet as it functions now, could be viewed as a precursor to transhumanism.  Much like our infrastructure, and essential economic functions have become reliant upon the internet, these functions will likely become reliant upon the brain machine interface, or digitally connected social consciousness.  Global divisions such as borders, will become increasingly irrelevant as the global community consolidates into the collective consciousness.  This will also make for consolidated enforcement.  Traditional crimes, for the most part could become obsolete due technology, making the only real crime left to enforce on the network is thought crimes. Considering that communication will be at the speed of thought, enforcement would more likely be just as swift.  A grand irony; a movement which intends to expand mans ability to reason will end up severely restricting it. 

The tech elites and transhumanist intellectuals will be overconfident in their ability to force the populace to conform.  Dissident thinker’s privy enough not to reveal their dissidence during the transition, in the first stage will begin building a parallel society and framework from which to function apart from the connected.  For those sounding the alarm publicly, they will face the harshest of persecution.  Many will be forced into hiding, and effectively silenced. Most utopian agendas, especially of the progressive bent, place themselves on a platform of moral superiority.  This self-assurance of correctness leads to puritan like behavior.  Eventually the resistance which seeks to preserve humanity as it is, will be forced into violent conflict with the post-humans.

The transhumanist theorist and elite tech companies are attempting to manufacture a new species of man, from humanities lineage.  A culture war of thought will ensue leading up to the implementation of the merging of biological humans and machines. Many humans will resist, and seek to preserve humanity in its traditional state, citing many valid theological and perhaps even metaphysical concerns.  As in most utopian schemes, reactionary resistance is viewed as a threat to the vision and will lead to a violent conflict.  There will be no peaceful resolution; there will be much bloodshed and devastation.  There is no way to be sure of who will be the victor, for victory is not always indicative of moral superiority. What is certain, one side will emerge victorious. Whether that be a new species freed from the shackles of nature, or humanity preserved in its perpetual struggle. 

Sources Cited

Dumsday, Travis. “Transhumanism, Theological Anthropology, and Modern Biological Taxonomy.” Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science., vol. 52, no. 3, Sept. 2017, pp. 601–622. Academic Search Premier, EBSCO Host.

Landers, Matthew. “Transhumanism, Optimism, and Enlightenment Optimalism.” Interdisciplinary Humanities, vol. 35, no. 1, 2018, pp. 25–40. Academic Search Premier, EBSCO Host.

McNally, Christie-Lee. “Big Tech’s Censorship of Conservative Users Is Alive and Well.” TheHill, 14 July 2018, thehill.com/opinion/cybersecurity/397047-big-techs-censorship-of-conservative-users-is-alive-and-well.

Singh, Sarwant. “Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 20 Nov. 2017, http://www.forbes.com/sites/sarwantsingh/2017/11/20/transhumanism-and-the-future-of-humanity-seven-ways-the-world-will-change-by-2030/#73d50e577d79.

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  1. Spooky N says:

    Although there’s going to be some things that are going to happen in the near future (i.e. prosthetic cyberware, advanced bioengineering, AI), most of this will fail to live up to the hype and the dream-tech of a collective consciousness created via digital data would be very hard, if not impossible to maintain long-term if such a thing would be feasible. The problem of consciousness is still a major philosophical problem and the brain is a very tricky thing to deal with (to those who have ethics that is).

    There is the factor of having the very system itself hijacked, such as the whole “algorithm” ordeal that forced the companies to take a heavy handed method and their hand is played. You would have to worry less about the companies and instead worry about the complicity of everyone else.


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