Hands Off, Don’t Teach

By JB Clark

As parents of all colors protest at school board meetings against Critical Race Theory (CRT), another player comes to national attention, Bettina L. Love, who is a professor of education at University of Georgia and co-founder of Abolitionist Teaching Network (ATN). The content of ATN is the usual stew of radical Black education concepts, which inadvertently sends the message that Black youth are incapable of learning, at least not through the practices that have educated countless students over centuries.

The list of learning fundamentals that are Black-resistant because they are inherently racist include non-Ebonics English, math, reading, grades, test scores, respect for authority, rudimentary attention span, and minimal self-control. These failings, Black educators say, are the fault of unfair expectations from schools that were set up to teach white children. They demand change, which is described as “dismantling Whiteness.”

Now comes Professor Love to add her flourish to the burgeoning Black education hokum. Recently, Love targeted white teachers, claiming they are harming Black children through their conscious or unconscious racism, and must submit to therapy aka deprogramming. They are, says Love “…spirit murdering Black and Brown students.” To ensure compliance, Love would have activist residents installed in schools — which sounds like Corn Pop as a Hall Monitor.

The audacity of Professor Love is breathtaking—and hermetically sealed from reality. To speak of spirit murdering by teachers while rampant street murdering by Black youth goes unacknowledged, is hypocrisy of the lowest order. To demand special handling for Black students in schools while communities of color are incapable of controlling their feral youth, displays a delusion mindset. In fact, all the Black education folderol is a massive distraction from the plain truth: they cannot solve their own problems– unless they were to apply the Eurocentric template of success. And, they would rather self-destruct than do that.

Thus, in every decade, our country has been treated to meme-ish anti-Whiteness alternatives that were going to lift up Black people: Black is Beautiful, Black Pride, Back to Africa, Black Panther neighborhood activism, Afrocentric curriculum, and the current, most pernicious incarnation, Woke-ism. With the cooperation of well-meaning whites, who were “down with the struggle,” trillions of dollars have been spent on the up lift, yet hardcore urban problems have only gotten worse. Nevertheless, Black leadership insists upon doing the same thing (refuting successful white solutions) over and over with slightly different labels and expecting a different result.

The effect on education is stark when looking back to 1954 when Brown v. Board of Education deemed separate but equal was unlawful and desegregation of schools began. Fast forward to 2021 when American education, weakened by bullying Blacks and craven whites, is on the verge of allowing Black separatism in the name of equity into what remains of Eurocentric curriculum, which will quickly devour what’s left of a formerly well-functioning system.

The inversion since 1954 in remarkable. Where Black students were thought to benefit from side-by-side education with white students, even as they had to be delivered by buses, now white students apparently will benefit from the presence of Black students, who are taught to consider their schoolmates as oppressors and secret supremacists.

The variety of previous curriculums will quickly devolve to slavery era, Jim Crow, Civil Rights, BLM grievances, the dubious richness of Black culture, and the other self-centered and limited topics that absorb so-called radical Black intellectuals. Anything white and challenging will have to go. Bring on the Hip Hop.

The handwriting is on the blackboard. Left unchecked, Black educators will follow a familiar pattern that we’ve seen in sports, entertainment, and government, wherein they require representation, then demand greater power, and finally, despite no record of success, they will dictate changes to practices that were working just fine.

If Professor Love and her ilk have their way, Black students, empowered by an agenda which excuses their failures, will continue to disrupt classrooms, intimidate white students, threaten teachers, trash the premises, and wreck the learning process. The message to white teachers, who continue to spirit murder by trying to impart knowledge, will be “Hands off, don’t teach.”

Parents need to change their focus from getting CRT out of schools, and concentrate on getting their children out of public schools. The corruption to education wrought by political correctness, age-inappropriate sex education titillation, the gay agenda, the dumbing-down of academic standards, the implementation of Equity, and now Professor Love’s vision, is unfixable and irreversible. The school integration experiment has failed. The unlimited potential of white minds is hampered by forced schooling with Blacks. The intellectual growth of our society has been stunted by acquiescence to excuse-making attached to education degrees. The knowledge murdering must stop.

J.B. Clark is a former newspaper columnist and teacher dropout with an interest in race relations

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Magic Dirt says:

    One big advantage of what we are seeing unfold now is that the overall drift of how the Left always thought of America is becoming mainstreamed. Ultimately, if we get to choose what norms are the baseline and the choice is purely an arbitrary application of political power, as we are accused of having done in the past in the establishment of Colonial America, then black people can be the baseline and their interests and desires can form the basis of everything we consider to be important. That’s what they are saying white people did in the past. We just killed everyone like genocidal maniacs and imposed ourselves on the world as if we were right about everything.

    Even though we can all see what’s wrong here, I don’t think we will be able to stop the tide. The profound desire for revenge against European Colonialism worldwide, and white people in general, is just too fierce and no one on their side has the slightest interest in dialing it back. It’s like watching World War II unfold but not being able to do anything about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hyrule says:

    Any system that teaches you to relax around blacks is teaching you suicide


  3. Cthulhu says:

    White families are generally incapable of solving this problem themselves. Dual income households will now lead to beaten children. Eventually reality will lead to the collapse of feminism and the return of viable nuclear families.

    In the mean time, what nationalists ought to concentrate on instead of politics is disaffected white kids. Conservatives are now the political targets, they are the white supremacists, we don’t even exist anymore, which is a great advantage. The conservatives can fight the losing political battles, they can get locked up in the gulags, bear the brunt of the show trials, and overall function as great sandbags behind which we can take cover. Meanwhile, if we organize off paper to aid and educate white kids, we decide the future of the whitw population on this continent. We will make them strong, wise, and teach them the truth, and they will create a stronger better civilization than the one dying around them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OliverOnion says:

    Excellent comment. 👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  5. red speck says:

    If “whiteness” is the problem with the way school has been functioning throughout the 20th century, then why is it that only black kids are seen as being targeted by these “racist” practices? (And among black kids, only the ones whose families have been in the country for multiple generations.) Wouldn’t it stand to reason that the same inescapable pitfalls would exist for Asian kids and Indian kids and Latino kids? Yet Asian and Indian kids are doing just fine — top of their classes, in fact. At what point do the administrators and classroom indoctrinators face reality and stop making excuses for complete lack of discipline and effort? When the same system that graduated Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas now produce illiterate and angry black students — with 40% of students earning 1.0gpa or lower in Baltimore — when do the “experts” begin to look beyond skin tone?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sid6.7 says:

    “Parents need to change their focus from getting CRT out of schools, and concentrate on getting their children out of public schools.”

    From what we’ve seen going on at the Dalton School and other “prestigious” outrageously expensive private alternatives, you can’t count on private schools to be any better than their public counterparts.

    Either take control of your private school’s curriculum, or, better yet, homeschool.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Miforest says:

    the scools have been garbage for decades. my youngest graduated from college 3 years ago . I watched it descend into madness . the the secular privates are worse than the publics . they have skilled teachers who can convince your kids the bullshit more thoroughly.
    some catholic and some christian schools are good and worthwile. otherwise its https://www.setonhome.org/ for you

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jack delaney says:

    find out from your kids if they are attempting to teach white privilege or bs racism. they have dumbed down the curriculum so the blacks can be shuffled through. we need Dr. Ben Carson and his ilk to solve it from their side. take an interest in what your kids are learning. get them reading at home. private math lessons. music lessons. art lessons. go to school board meetings. we are have an equity audit here in MA. really? it’s 90% white and 9% asian. next meeting is August 31. i will be there to offer my views.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. GDR says:

    >The content of ATN … inadvertently sends the message that Black youth are incapable of learning…

    Well she’s not wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

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